A brief overview of the collection may be found by selecting the links below. A more detailed description of each Manuscript Collection, including series scope and contents, history, and folder-level inventory, is available in the UAB Archives. Please note that neither University Records nor Photograph Collections are included in the subject list below; staff can provide assistance with those collections.
African-American History
Jefferson County Medical Society Archives Reprint Files, MC53
Hereford, Sonnie W., III, Papers, MC127
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, MC134
Kraus, Frederick, Oral History Interview, MC36
Thomas, Joyce, Oral History on UAB, Urban Renewal, and Southside, MC22
Arts, Entertainment, and Literature
Barker, Samuel B., Papers, MC70
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, MC15
Carter, William C., Papers, MC122
Coley, John S., Le Roman de Thebes: The Story of Thebes, Manuscript, MC43
Forssgren, Ernest A., Papers, MC124
Hatcher, James F., Papers, MC16
Loeb Family Papers, MC125
Opera Birmingham Inc., Records, MC137
Proust, Marcel, Letters, MC123
Sand, George, Les idees d'un maitre d'ecole [The Ideas of a Schoolmaster], Manuscript, MC121
Van der Veer, McClellan "Ted", Thought He Falters, Manuscript, MC96
UAB Event Posters, MC98
Government and Politics
Benoit, William L., Presidential Campaign Collection, MC136
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, MC15
Hatcher, James F., Papers, MC16
Hill, Lister, Certificates, Plaques and Awards, MC97
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, MC134
Keynton, Rachel, Papers, MC109
McCall, Judge Daniel, Papers, MC02
McSpadden, Jack D., Papers, MC40
Toole Family Papers, MC126
LGBTQ History
Birmingham and Alabama Material from the Bo Brown Memorial Gay and Lesbian Collection, 1977-(on-going), MC135
UAB Safe Zone Collection of Glenda R. Elliott, MC132
Military History
Alabama Physicians Biographical Collection, MC30
Carmichael, Emmett B., Papers, MC113
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Calhoun, F. Phinizy, Collection, MC129
Denny, Linna Hamilton, Scrapbook, MC76
Douglas, Gilbert F., Student Notebooks, MC92
Eaves, George, Scrapbook, MC38
Fearn, Thomas, Collection, MC131
Ferguson Family, Papers, MC118
Hunt, Thomas E. and Eleanor Abrams, Papers, MC41
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, MC134
Kraus, Frederick W., Oral History Interview Videotape, MC36
Lyons, Champ, and Lyons Family Papers, MC114
Reynolds, Lawrence, Papers, MC87
Teague, Robert Sterling, Papers, MC12
Terry, Lucius Lamar, Memoirs of World War I, MC103
Toole Family Papers, MC126
UAB Archives Oral History Interview Collection, MC45
Sports History
UAB Division I-A Football Press Conference Videotape, MC25
UAB Intercollegiate Sports Program Scrapbooks, MC67
Urban History
McSpadden, Jack D., Papers, MC40
Sterne, Mervyn H., and Sterne Family Papers, MC128
Thomas, Joyce, Oral History on UAB, Urban Renewal, and Southside, MC22
Women's History
Birmingham and Alabama Material from the Memorial Gay and Lesbian Collection, 1977-(on-going), MC135
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, MC15
Denny, Linna Hamilton Scrapbook, MC76
Hart, Dorothy E., Papers, MC105
Hixson, Florence A., Papers, MC49
Hixson, Florence A., University of Alabama School of Nursing: 1950-1970, Manuscript, MC101
Holt, Rebecca Agnew, Papers, MC99
Hunt, Thomas E. and Eleanor Abrams, Papers, MC41
Jefferson County Medical Society/UAB Health Sciences Archives Scrapbooks, MC55
Keynton, Rachel, Papers, MC109
Klapper, Margaret Strange, Papers, MC111
Loeb Family Papers, MC125
Nursing, University Hospital School of, Ledger, MC59
Pugh, Martha E., Medical Student Notebooks, MC120
Rosser, Camilla Linn, Papers, MC119
Shores, Anne Findley, Papers, MC110
Toole Family Papers, MC126
Women's Club of the University of Alabama School of Dentistry Scrapbook, MC60
This page last updated by Tim L. Pennycuff on 18 November 2024
A brief overview of the collection may be found by selecting the links below. A more detailed description of each Manuscript Collection, including series scope and contents, history, and folder-level inventory, is available in the UAB Archives. Please note that neither University Records nor Photograph Collections are included in the subject list below; staff can provide assistance with those collections.
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Kraus, Frederick W., Oral History Interview, MC36
Lokey, Charles W., Sr., Papers, MC73
McCall, Samuel V., Dental Student Lecture Notes, MC72
Volker, Joseph F., Papers, MC01
Volker, Joseph F., Oral History Interview Transcript, MC10
Volker, Joseph F., Oral History Interview Tapes, MC11
Women's Club of the University of Alabama School of Dentistry Scrapbook, MC60
Health Care (General)
Alabama Regional Medical Program Records, John M. Packard Files, MC62
Birmingham Regional Health Planning Commission Records, MC35
Bridgers, William F., Papers, MC116
Carmichael, Emmett B., Papers, MC113
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Community Health Planning Commission Records, MC54
Health Organizations Collection, MC29
Heldman, Max, Original Drawings from The First Forty Years, MC83
Jefferson County Health Department Scrapbooks, MC32
Jefferson County Medical Society Archives Reprint Files, MC53
Jefferson County Medical Society/UAB Health Sciences Archives Scrapbooks, MC55
Lanning, Joyce, Papers, MC37
Packard, John M., Alabama Regional Medical Program Records and Files, MC62
University Hospital Historical Collection, MC28
Alabama Physicians Biographical Collection, MC30
Bannerman, Moss McBride, Papers, MC71
Boulware, Tom, Collection, MC33
Boyd, William, Pathology for the Physician, Manuscript, MC58
Braungart, Dale C., Papers, MC95
Brown, Jerry William, Papers, MC52
Caldwell, Edwin V., Collection, MC48
Caldwell, Hale Albert, Student Notebooks, MC68
Caldwell, Tom O., Papers, MC108
Calhoun, F. Phinizy Calhoun, Collection, MC129
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Carmichael, Emmett B., Papers, MC113
Class of 1949 (Medical School), Collection, MC112
Douglas, Gilbert F., Student Notebooks, MC92
Eaves, George, Scrapbook, MC38
Edwards, W. Sterling, What Does My Life Mean?, Manuscript, MC133
Ferguson, Burr, Papers, MC27
Ferguson Family Papers, MC118
Garmon, Clyde N., Papers, MC80
Haden, Hugh H., Papers, MC64
Hardon, Virgil O., Notebook of Medical Lectures by, MC06
Harrison, Tinsley R., Papers, MC03
Harrison, Tinsley R., Collection, MC07
Harrison, William Groce, Sr., Memoirs, MC08
Hereford, Sonnie W., III, Papers, MC127
Hill, Luther, Papers, MC56
Hill, Luther, Dedication of Library Scrapbook, MC57
Hill, S. Richardson, Jr., Papers, MC04
Hillman Hospital Collection, MC39
Hillman Hospital Interns Collection, MC18
Holley, Howard L., History of Medicine and Medical College of Alabama Research Files, MC19
Howard, Paul S., Oral History Collection, MC24
Hunt, Thomas E. and Eleanor Abrams, Papers, MC41
International Organization for Mycoplasmology Records, MC63
Jackson, Harry Lee, and UAB History of Medical Center, MC23
Jefferson County Health Department Scrapbooks, MC32
Jenner, Edward, Letter, MC85
Kimbrough, Thomas G., Collection, MC106
Klapper, Margaret Strange, Papers, MC111
Lee, Paul C., Memorial Tribute, MC82
Lister, Joseph, Letters, MC77
MacElvain, Julie, Scrapbook, MC20
McCoy, Walter Clayton, Papers, MC138
McLester, James Somerville, Scapbook, MC78
McSpadden, Jack D., Papers, MC40
Medical College of Alabama Lecture Cards, George F. Wilson, MC74
Medical College of Alabama Research Files, Howard L. Holley, MC19
Medical School Class of 1949 Collection, MC112
Medicine, Deans of, Records, MC107
Medicine, Department of, Biographical Collection, MC31
Medicine, School of, Alumni Weekend Videotapes, MC34
Moseley, William Perkins, Medical Notebooks, MC102
Moss, Philip Ball, Papers, MC100
Osler, William, Letter, MC86
Phi Chi Medical Fraternity Scrapbook, MC17
Pittman, James A., Jr., Papers, MC13
Pugh, Martha E., Medical Student Notebooks, MC120
Reynolds, John A., Notebook, MC89
Reynolds, Lawrence, Papers, MC87
Rush, Benjamin, Letter, MC90
Salter, Clarence L., Scrapbooks, MC46
Sims, J. Marion, Letter, MC84
Southeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons Archives, MC65
Southern Surgical Association Archives, MC66
Spies Nutrition Clinic Collection, MC05
Starke, Robert Bolling, Bill for Services and Medicine, MC69
Teague, Robert Sterling, Papers, MC12
Terry, Lucius Lamar, Memoirs of World War I, Manuscript, MC103
Toole Family Papers, MC126
Vaughn, Max E., Papers, MC94
Waldrop, Edwin G., Papers, MC75
Welch, Samuel Wallace, Files, MC47
Wilson, George F., Medical College of Alabama Lecture Cards, MC74
Wilkerson, William Harrison, Papers, MC81
Alabama State League for Nursing Education Collection, MC50
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Denny, Linna Hamilton, Scrapbook, MC76
Hart, Dorothy E., Papers, MC105
Hixson, Florence A., Papers, MC49
Hixson, Florence A., University of Alabama School of Nursing 1950-1970, Manuscript, MC101
Nursing, University Hospital School of, Ledger, MC59
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Peters, Henry B., Papers, MC104
Research (Scientific)
Brown, Jerry William, Papers, MC52
Carmichael, Emmett B., Papers, MC113
Crookes, William, Collection, MC88
Haden, Hugh H., Papers, MC64
Holt, Rebecca Agnew, Papers, MC99
Niedermeier, William P., Papers, MC115
Oh Lectureship in Neuromuscular Disease Scrapbook, MC91
Smythies, John R., Collection, MC130
Spies Nutrition Clinic Collection, MC05
This page last updated by Tim L. Pennycuff on 18 November 2024
Name | Ferguson Family Papers |
Dates | 1897-1920 |
Extent | 1.5 cubic feet |
Historical Note | The Ferguson Family Papers provide insight into a prominent family of early 20th Century Birmingham, a family that was active in the city's cultural, business, and medical communities. The Ferguson Family Papers consist of the material of brothers J. Burr Ferguson (1872-1946) and W. Hill Ferguson (1877-1971). Burr Ferguson received the doctor of medicine degree from the Columbia University medical school in 1896. He served in the Medical Corps in the First World War and maintained a private medical practice in Birmingham. HIs brother, Hill Ferguson, received a law degree from the University of Alabama but spent the majority of his career in the Birmingham real estate business. In 1919 he was elected to serve as a member of the University of Alabama Board of Trustees, a position he held until 1959 -- the longest tenure of any board member in the history of the university. Hill Ferguson was instrumental in the establishment of the four-year medical school in Birmingham. |
Scope and Contents | Collection consists of correspondence, financial records, real estate contracts, certificates, etc. |
Arrangement | Two discrete series: Series One, Burr and Anne Ferguson; Series Two, Hill Ferguson |
Accession Number | M2013-01 |
Provenance | Donated to the UAB Archives in July 2013. |
Copyright | The UAB Archives owns the copyright to some of the material and maintains its proprietary rights to all material in this collection. |
Fnding Aid | Printed descriptive guide by Jennifer L. Beck and Tim L. Pennycuff available in repository. |
Access Points | Ferguson, Burr, d 1872-1946. Ferguson, Hill, d 1877-1971. Ferguson family. Physicians z Alabama z Birmingham. World War, 1914-1918. University of Alabama. x Alumni. |
Document Types | Correspondence, postcards, certificates. |
Location | Manuscript Stacks |
Related Series | PMC118, Ferguson Family Photographs. MC27, Burr Ferguson Papers. MC51 also has several folders of material related to Dr. Burr Ferguson. |
Physical Condition | Acid free folder, acid free box |
This page created 2017
Copyright: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees.
Name | William C. Carter Papers |
Dates | 1893-2005: Bulk 1978-1998 |
Extent | 1.33 cubic feet |
Historical Note | William C. “Bill” Carter was born in Georgia, and in 1963 obtained an undergraduate degree in French from the University of Georgia. He received a master’s degree in French from Georgia and in 1971 earned a doctoral degree in French from Indiana University. Dr. Carter’s first faculty position was at Ohio University, but in 1975 he received an appointment at UAB as assistant professor of French. From 1979 until 1990 Carter was the chair of the UAB Department of Foreign Languages. Dr. Carter was project director for Proust at UAB, a multi-event commemoration held in 1988 as part of the 75th anniversary of the publication of Marcel Proust’s Swann’s Way. Carter is the author of several monographs, was the producer of an award-winning documentary on Proust, and is acknowledged as a world authority on the life and works of the French novelist Proust. Dr. Carter was promoted to professor at UAB in 1990 and in 2002 received the university’s Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction. In 2004 Dr. Carter was named a Distinguished Professor of French by the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama System. Carter retired from UAB in 2008 and the following year was named a Distinguished Professor Emeritus. Dr. Carter is the author or editor of numerous publications, including Conversations with Shelby Foote (1989); The Proustian Quest (1992); Marcel Proust: A Life (2000), The Memoirs of Ernest A. Forssgren, Proust’s Swedish Valet (2006), Proust in Love (2006), and Marcel Proust: A Documentary Volume (2013). Dr. Carter is currently working on a new translation of Proust's monumental seven-part novel, and has authored new editions of Swann’s Way: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 1 (2013), In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 2 (2015), The Guermantes Way: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 3 (2018); Sodom and Gomorrah: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 4 (2021); and The Captive and the Fugitive: In Search of Lost Time, Volume 5 (2023). |
Scope and Contents | Collection includes correspondence, greeting cards, publications, research notes, magazines, sheet music, newspaper clippings, photographs, audiovisual tapes, ephemera and realia, etc. Many of the items in this collection have been scanned and are now available in the William C. Carter Collection within the library's UAB Digital Collections. |
Arrangement | Five discrete series: 1. Correspondence; 2. Research and Subject Files; 3. Publications; 4. Audiovisual Material; 5. Ephemera |
Accession Number | M2014-15 |
Provenance | Originally donated by Dr. Carter to UAB and the Mervyn H. Sterne Library in 2007, the collection was deeded to UAB in 2008. Upon the administrative merger of the Sterne and Lister Hill Libraries, the collection was transferred from Sterne to the UAB Archives in the fall of 2014. (The accession number reflects the 2014 transfer date, not the original 2007 donation to UAB). |
Copyright | The UAB Archives owns the copyright to some of the material and maintains its proprietary rights to all material in this collection. |
Fnding Aid | Printed descriptive guide by Tim L. Pennycuff in repository. |
Access Points | Carter, William C. Foote, Shelby, d 1917-2005. Novelists, American x 20th century x Correspondence. University of Alabama at Birmingham. |
Document Types | Letters, memos, postcards, greeting cards, magazines, audiotapes, videocassette tapes, news clippings, ephemera and realia. |
Location | Manuscript Stacks |
Related Series | PMC122, William C. Carter Photographs |
Physical Condition | Acid free folders, acid free boxes |
This page created 2017 and last updated 2024
Copyright: The University of Alabama Board of Trustees.