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The UAB Libraries welcome gifts of materials that significantly enhance the strength of our collections and support the instructional and research programs of the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

The UAB Libraries typically do not accept unsolicited gifts and reserve the right to dispose of unsolicited gifts in any manner they deem appropriate.

Note: The Reynolds-Finley Historical Library, the Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences, and the UAB Archives maintain separate gift policies and procedures based on the nature of their collections. Please contact the specific unit directly regarding donations.

This page provides information for UAB Libraries staff and potential donors. If you would like to make a financial donation to the libraries, please contact our Administrative Office at 205.934.6360.

Conditions of Acceptance

  • The UAB Libraries have the right to retain or dispose of, including through sale, any gift materials at the librarians’ discretion.
  • The UAB Libraries will not accept materials that show signs of mold, mildew, or other damaging conditions.
  • The UAB Libraries will not generally accept materials in obsolete media formats.
  • The UAB Libraries do not accept print journals.
  • Librarians will determine the processing, location, and display of gift materials.
  • Copies of materials already in the UAB Libraries’ collections may be accepted and added at the librarians’ discretion.
  • Appraisal of gift materials is the responsibility of the donor. The UAB Libraries do not appraise gifts.
  • Depending on the number of volumes under consideration, donors may be asked to provide a list of titles and/or other information to help determine suitability of the potential donation.
  • Donated materials become property of the UAB Libraries.

Procedures for Donating Gifts

The donor must sign and return the Gift Agreement Form. By signing the Form, the donor:

  • acknowledges and agrees to the conditions of this Gift Policy;
  • transfers and assigns title and rights to the material, free of restrictions, to the UAB Libraries; and
  • attests that they have the full power and authority to do so.

Upon request, a gift acknowledgement letter, a list of donated materials, and a copy of the signed Gift Agreement Form will be mailed to donor.

Prospective donors should contact Wanda Stevenson (wanda@uab.edu) at the Mervyn H. Sterne Library (205.934.6368). Questions regarding this policy should be directed to Jeff Graveline (jgraveli@uab.edu).

Mervyn H. Sterne Library

917 13th St S
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-6364

Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL

(205) 975-4821

Reynolds-Finley Historical Library

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Lister Hill Library at University Hospital

615 18th Street S - P235 West Pavilion
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-2275

801 Building

801 5th Ave South
Room 1111
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-5432

J. Ellis Sparks Medical Library

301 Governors Drive SE - 3rd Floor
Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 551-4405

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