Specific Policies and Guidelines
- UAB Libraries Access Guidelines
UAB Libraries Collection Development Policy
- Reynolds-Finley Policies
- UAB Archives Policies
Cell Phones
UAB Libraries strives to provide an environment that supports scholarship, research, and study. The use of cell phones in the Library is often distracting to others. Therefore, we request that cell phones be placed in a silent mode while in the building. Use of cell phones is permitted in the first-floor lobby areas.
Circulation and Loan Policies
View all Circulation and Loan Policies.
Internet and Computer Use
The UAB Libraries’ primary mission is to serve students, staff and faculty of UAB who come into the libraries or access resources remotely. The primary purpose of the computer workstations is for Library-related research.
It is important to note however that the UAB Libraries remain committed to serving the research needs of visitors (non-UAB affiliated users) by providing limited on-site access to electronic databases and journals.
Access to computers is available to:
- Faculty, staff, and students from other colleges and universities with current college or university-issued photo IDs or proof of enrollment. If ID does not show an expiration date, guests will be required to verify enrollment or employment status online;
- UAB National Alumni Society members with current membership cards;
- Individuals granted courtesy cards.
Visitor workstation access is subject to availability and must be limited to research purposes. Visitors must comply with all aspects of the UAB Acceptable Computer Use Policy.
Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to, the following:
- violation of computer system integrity;
- unauthorized tampering with computer hardware or software;
- violation of software license agreements and copyright laws;
- violation of another user's privacy;
- use of sounds or visuals that might be disruptive to others.
Illegal acts involving Library computing resources may also be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.
Access to Electronic Resources
The Library's electronic databases and journals may be accessed from any computer on the UAB campus.UAB students, faculty and staff may access the electronic databases and journals from any computer in the world with their BlazerID.
Most of the Library's electronic resources are provided by publishers whose policies restrict remote access to current UAB students and employees. The Library is obliged to abide by the publishers' policies. The Library cannot offer remote access to UAB alumni or to students not currently enrolled in a class.
The following guests may use Library computers to access electronic databases and journals, the internet, and Microsoft Office:
- Faculty, staff, and students from other colleges and universities with current college or university-issued photo IDs or proof of enrollment. If ID does not show an expiration date, guests will be required to verify enrollment or employment online.
- UAB National Alumni Society members with current membership cards
- Anyone with a valid UAB Libraries Courtesy card.
Other users including Alumni Society members and those with Courtesy cards must obtain a password at one of the HUB service points in order to access Library resources while on campus. Guest passwords expire each day at 10:00 p.m.
Unattended Children
UAB Libraries provides an environment for research and scholarship in support of the academic programs of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. This environment is not intended to support or supervise unattended or unsupervised minors.
Minors under the age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult. These adults are responsible for the conduct of these minors while on Library premises and must provide them with reasonable supervision.
Should an unattended or unsupervised child be discovered, the staff will try to locate or contact the parent, guardian, or other responsible adult. If unable to be located, a staff member may contact the UAB Police Department to report the situation and/or seek assistance.
Scooters and Skateboards
The use of scooters, skateboards and similar wheeled devices is prohibited both in the Libraries, as well as the ramps outside the buildings. Bike racks are available for locking up personal equipment.
For more information about the use of wheeled devices on the UAB campus, see the Bicycle and Other Wheel Mobility Devices Policy in the UAB Policies and Procedures Library.
UAB Libraries Noise Policy
To provide general guidelines for controlling noise within public areas of UAB Libraries’ facilities in order to create an educational environment conducive to study and research.
Library users and employees should respect others' rights and refrain from making excessive noise while in UAB Libraries’ facilities.
Quiet conversation is permitted on the first floor of both libraries. Other floors are designated as quiet floors.
Group study is permitted in first-floor study rooms, at first-floor tables, and at computer stations, as long as the group does not disturb others. Please close study room doors as these rooms are not soundproof; reasonably quiet voices are encouraged.
Please set cell phones to “vibrate” or “silent” when entering UAB Libraries’ facilities. All phone conversations are to take place outside or in the lobby. Patrons should be considerate of others and keep voices to a reasonable level.
With a valid student ONE Card, headphones may be borrowed for check out for in-library use at each HUB Desk. Headphones should be used at all times when operating any kind of media within which audio is necessary. Volume should be set so as not to disturb others. Students who have headphone volumes loud enough to disturb other students and employees will be asked to lower the volume.
When necessary, library staff will remind library users of the noise policy and will enforce the noise control/disturbance procedure as they deem necessary. Library users being disturbed by noise are encouraged to ask library staff to intervene. All noise complaints will be handled by library staff in a fair, timely, and equitable manner.
Library patrons who do not comply with the noise policy will be asked to leave the quiet study area or, in some cases, may be asked to leave the building for a period of time determined by UAB Libraries staff. If deemed necessary, UAB Police will be called to handle the situation.
UAB’s Standards of Student Conduct are expected to be adhered to while in the library.
Students who fail repeatedly to abide by UAB Libraries policies may be referred to the Office of Community Standards & Student Accountability.