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A series of images from the UAB Archives

A brief overview of the collection may be found by selecting the links below. A more detailed description of each Manuscript Collection, including series scope and contents, history, and folder-level inventory, is available in the UAB Archives.  Please note that neither University Records nor Photograph Collections are included in the subject list below; staff can provide assistance with those collections.

African-American History

Jefferson County Medical Society Archives Reprint Files, MC53
Hereford, Sonnie W., III, Papers, MC127
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, MC134
Kraus, Frederick, Oral History Interview, MC36
Thomas, Joyce, Oral History on UAB, Urban Renewal, and Southside, MC22

Arts, Entertainment, and Literature

Barker, Samuel B., Papers, MC70
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, MC15
Carter, William C., Papers, MC122
Coley, John S., Le Roman de Thebes: The Story of Thebes, Manuscript, MC43
Forssgren, Ernest A., Papers, MC124
Hatcher, James F., Papers, MC16
Loeb Family Papers, MC125
Proust, Marcel, Letters, MC123
Sand, George, Les idees d'un maitre d'ecole [The Ideas of a Schoolmaster], Manuscript, MC121
Van der Veer, McClellan "Ted", Thought He Falters, Manuscript, MC96
UAB Event Posters, MC98

Government and Politics

Benoit, William L., Presidential Campaign Collection, MC136
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, MC15
Hatcher, James F., Papers, MC16
Hill, Lister, Certificates, Plaques and Awards, MC97
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, MC134
Keynton, Rachel, Papers, MC109
McCall, Judge Daniel, Papers, MC02
McSpadden, Jack D., Papers, MC40
Toole Family Papers, MC126

LGBTQ History

Birmingham and Alabama Material from the Bo Brown Memorial Gay and Lesbian Collection, 1977-(on-going), MC135
UAB Safe Zone Collection of Glenda R. Elliott, MC132

Military History

Alabama Physicians Biographical Collection, MC30
Carmichael, Emmett B., Papers, MC113
Carmichael, Emmett B./Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences Collection, MC51
Calhoun, F. Phinizy, Collection, MC129
Denny, Linna Hamilton, Scrapbook, MC76

Douglas, Gilbert F., Student Notebooks, MC92
Eaves, George, Scrapbook, MC38
Fearn, Thomas, Collection, MC131
Ferguson Family, Papers, MC118

Hunt, Thomas E. and Eleanor Abrams, Papers, MC41
Holmes, Jack David Lazarus, Papers, MC134
Kraus, Frederick W., Oral History Interview Videotape, MC36
Lyons, Champ, and Lyons Family Papers, MC114
Reynolds, Lawrence, Papers, MC87
Teague, Robert Sterling, Papers, MC12
Terry, Lucius Lamar, Memoirs of World War I, MC103
Toole Family Papers, MC126
UAB Archives Oral History Interview Collection, MC45

Sports History

UAB Division I-A Football Press Conference Videotape, MC25
UAB Intercollegiate Sports Program Scrapbooks, MC67

Urban History

McSpadden, Jack D., Papers, MC40
Sterne, Mervyn H., and Sterne Family Papers, MC128
Thomas, Joyce, Oral History on UAB, Urban Renewal, and Southside, MC22

Women's History

Birmingham and Alabama Material from the Memorial Gay and Lesbian Collection, 1977-(on-going), MC135
Caldwell, Lily May, Papers, MC15
Denny, Linna Hamilton Scrapbook, MC76
Hart, Dorothy E., Papers, MC105
Hixson, Florence A., Papers, MC49
Hixson, Florence A., University of Alabama School of Nursing: 1950-1970, Manuscript, MC101
Holt, Rebecca Agnew, Papers, MC99
Hunt, Thomas E. and Eleanor Abrams, Papers, MC41
Jefferson County Medical Society/UAB Health Sciences Archives Scrapbooks, MC55
Keynton, Rachel, Papers, MC109
Klapper, Margaret Strange, Papers, MC111
Loeb Family Papers, MC125
Nursing, University Hospital School of, Ledger, MC59
Pugh, Martha E., Medical Student Notebooks, MC120
Rosser, Camilla Linn, Papers, MC119
Shores, Anne Findley, Papers, MC110
Toole Family Papers, MC126
Women's Club of the University of Alabama School of Dentistry Scrapbook, MC60

This page last updated by Tim L. Pennycuff on 26 September 2024

Mervyn H. Sterne Library

917 13th St S
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-6364

Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL

(205) 975-4821

Reynolds-Finley Historical Library

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Lister Hill Library at University Hospital

615 18th Street S - P235 West Pavilion
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-2275

801 Building

801 5th Ave South
Room 1111
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-5432

J. Ellis Sparks Medical Library

301 Governors Drive SE - 3rd Floor
Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 551-4405

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