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banner reynolds 1900x200

Tractatus 23v//Medicyne for þe scabbe
// Tak synkfoyl and stampe it smal and tempre it with
grece or elles with botre and anoynte þer with þe scabbe
and þis is a good medicyne
// A medicyne for þe salseflewme
Tak .ii. {unce}of leke rotis & of swyne grece & .1. {unce} of poudre
of ginger & .1. {unce} of poudre of gelofris & .1. {unce} quyksilver
first tak half an vncof lilie rotis & stampe him with
grece & medle þerwith al þy poudris & þy quyksilver
& pore thorgh a lynen cloth & medle þat to gedre
in maner of an oynement./ Thanne tak þe man þat
hath þe salseflewme & make hym hete good mete &
good drynk wyn or ale. And þanne mak hym a kowch
agens a good fyr as hoot as he may suffre. loke þis
be don at even & þanne anoynte hym with þe forseyd
oynement/ And on þe morwe wasche his visage
with water of þe rede rose. and þus do .iii. nyghtis
or fowre. or .v. at þe moste & he schal be hool
for evir more. // A medicyne for þe stone
// Tak þe hool parsely crop & rotis & sauge croppis & Rwe
& stanmarch rotis & croppis & avence. & yuy beryes and
gromyll. saxfrage. and powdir of cherystonis. and
tak þese herbes & stampe hem to gedre in a mortar &
tempre it with a galoun of stale ale & let it sethe

Mervyn H. Sterne Library

917 13th St S
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-6364

Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL

(205) 975-4821

Reynolds-Finley Historical Library

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Lister Hill Library at University Hospital

615 18th Street S - P235 West Pavilion
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-2275

801 Building

801 5th Ave South
Room 1111
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-5432

J. Ellis Sparks Medical Library

301 Governors Drive SE - 3rd Floor
Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 551-4405

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