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banner reynolds 1900x200

Tractatus21r lgpart and scomme it clene as it boylith & whanne it is
clene. tak .1. ponde of good kroppis madir mad in to pou-
dir and half a ponde of alum roch brent and mad in
to poudir/ And whil þe licour boylith ouer þe fier/ do inn
þe madir and þe alum/ and suffre hem boyle toge-
dre þe space as þmay sey þis psalme. miserere me
deus. /Thanne tak it from þe fier and streyne it thorgh
a clene cloth and kepe wet þat water for it is a precious
water. /And whanne þwilt vse it make a rolle of kane-
uas. as so brod as þyn hand/ and also lange as þow
may rolle it from þe foot to þe kne. and wete
þe rolle of kaneuas with þe water aforesayd þat it
be thorgh wete./ and þanne rolle it on þe seke legge
also streyt as þow may. and do þus .3. tymes in þe
day and it schal make þe legge smal in his kynde
and frete a wey al þe dede flesch þowgh þer
were an hundrid holis in þe legge or a mormal. and
hele þe legge for euer with owte any salue plaster
or oynement/ in hasty tyme./
//for alle maner soris./ Tak hony and oyle .1. pynte. and
half a ponde of wex & schepis talgh./ and half a ponde
of frankensense. boyle hem to gedre an hour and
þis oynement is good for alle soris.
//Tak .1. libram of boris grece .1. libram of Comyne. half a pond of
hony. half a ponde of blak sope. and .30. komoun oyniouns
and .1.galoun of pisse. þanne sethe þe pisse & þe oyniouns to
gedre til þe oyniouns be al to soden./ þanne medle alle þese
thyngis aforesayd and bray hem in a mortier/ and mak
// þerof a plaster/

Mervyn H. Sterne Library

917 13th St S
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-6364

Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL

(205) 975-4821

Reynolds-Finley Historical Library

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Lister Hill Library at University Hospital

615 18th Street S - P235 West Pavilion
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-2275

801 Building

801 5th Ave South
Room 1111
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-5432

J. Ellis Sparks Medical Library

301 Governors Drive SE - 3rd Floor
Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 551-4405

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