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banner reynolds 1900x200

Tractatus21v// An oynement for þe same. Tak half a pond of sope. and
half a pond of hony. and half a ponde of boris grece and
make þerof an oynement and anoynte þe sore er þu ley on þe
þe[sic] plaster/
An oynement // Tak saueyne and violettis ana.
with swynis grece and grynd hem to gedre in a mortier and
þanne put hem togedre in an erthene potte and set it .3. wykis
in a bed of straw. than tak a basyne & set it in a panne with
water ouer þe fier but loke þer kome no water in þe basyn/ þanne
put alle þe thyngis a fore sayd in þe basyn whil it is hoot
and let hem dissolue þerin/ and þanne streyne al thorgh a
a [sic] cloth and kepe it for it is a good oynement for brussure
and for the rennynge gowte./
To make yren hard
// Tak olde schoun & brenne hem and mak of hem poudir
al so schepis hornis in þe same maner. / thanne tak saude-
ver/ and of þese poudris tak a lich moch and medle hem
to gedre./ thane tak blak sope & ley on þe metall þe thik-
nesse of a straw and þanne ley upon þe poudres a boue þe
sope. and ley þin yren so dyght upon þe fier til it be
red hot/ thane quench it in watir/ And gif þu wilt haue
it ryght hard ley on þe more of þi poudris./
Pro gonoroica passione
//Recipe cinamoni .12. dimidium. {2 drachma}. 5. dimidium/
piperis nigri .1. dimidium gariofilii .6. dimidium anisi .2. dimidium galange
.4. dimidium tormentillis .4. dimidium mente sicce ad pondus omni & fiet
puluer & detur pacienti ad comedendum in omni cibo & potu./
Pro labiis
// Suctus pastinate. mel. Litargium. vel thus/
et fiet vnguentum cum predictis & sanabuntur./

Mervyn H. Sterne Library

917 13th St S
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-6364

Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd
Birmingham, AL

(205) 975-4821

Reynolds-Finley Historical Library

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences

1700 University Blvd - 3rd Floor
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-4475

Lister Hill Library at University Hospital

615 18th Street S - P235 West Pavilion
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-2275

801 Building

801 5th Ave South
Room 1111
Birmingham, AL

(205) 934-5432

J. Ellis Sparks Medical Library

301 Governors Drive SE - 3rd Floor
Huntsville, AL 35801

(256) 551-4405

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