Opera omnia. 2nd Edition. 2 vols. in 1. Leiden: Apud Petrum Vander Aa, 1687.

Known for being one of the first microscopists, Malpighi used the microscope in his study of the lungs, and it helped him identify capillary circulation in frogs. The discovery of the capillaries in the lungs, which finally completed William Harvey’s proof, shows how blood gets from the arteries to the veins. Probably his greatest contribution to the field of medicine, this finding put closure to the last real argument against Harvey (One Hund. Books 30). De pulmonibus,the work that reveals this path-breaking information, is included in the Reynolds-Finley Library’s edition of Opera omnia, a collection of Malpighi’s writings. But Malpighi also is recognized for his descriptions of chick embryology and silkworm and plant anatomy. His noteworthy works in these areas are included in the Opera omnia as well (Heirs of Hippocrates 372).
The Reynolds-Finley Library also has a first edition copy of De viscerum structura exercitation anatomica, which contains Malpighi’s classic essays on the structure of the kidney, spleen and the liver. These histological descriptions added much to the physiological knowledge of these organs. And in the process, he introduced the Malpighian bodies of the spleen and Malpighian layer of the skin (Not. Med. Books 73). Also in this work is the first description of Hodgkin’s disease (Garrison & Morton 535).
Clendening, Source Book of Med. Hist., p. 209; Garrison, Hist. of Med., 4th Edition, pp. 255-256; Garrison & Morton, Med. Bib., 5th Edition, 66 & 535; Heirs of Hippocrates, 372; Not. Med. Books, p. 73; One Hund. Books, 30; Reynolds Historical Library, Rare books and coll…, 2614.
Image: Marcello Malpighi, Print Collection, Reynolds-Finley Historical Library.