Public Health Information Literacy Certificate Course Now Available for Fall 2020
Registration for the Fall 2020 Business Research Toolkit is now open until September 4th or until all spots are filled.
COVID-19 has challenged us in many ways. During the pandemic, have you recorded, photographed or written down your own outlook on the events? Everybody living through these times has a story to tell, and we want to help preserve yours.
Remote learning via a computer? Online instruction? All sound familiar in this crazy year of 2020?
Maybe it’s not so “new” after all. Check out this month’s IOM to see what photo Jennifer and I have selected to highlight as UAB begins the new fall term, a term that promises to be like no other – except for maybe spring and summer 2020!
The August Image of the Month from UAB Archives, Computer Assisted Instruction at UAB, 1978, has been posted.
In order to streamline Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services and provide an easier ILL experience for our users, the UAB Libraries is changing the way you access your ILL account. Beginning on September 1, 2020, all ILL requests must be made through the UAB Libraries ILL website. This will allow all UAB users to access their ILL account from a single website and eliminate the need to maintain multiple ILL accounts.