The June Image of the Month from UAB Archives, UAB outdoor sculpture, circa 2000, has been posted.
The May Image of the Month from UAB Archives, Bracie Watson elected SGA president, May 1971, has been posted.
The UAB Libraries Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC) was launched this spring to support UAB faculty, staff, and students in navigating and understanding scholarly communication principles including copyright, long-term preservation of digital assets, data management, research dissemination, scholarly impact, and public access.
The UAB Libraries Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Task Force recently sat down with Dean Gonnerman as she reflected on her experience over the past year. Gonnerman’s official start date was April 1st, 2020, shortly after the pandemic began. During the discussion, Gonnerman also reflected on topics related to Women’s History Month, celebrated during the month of March. Watch the interview with Dr. Gonnerman.
Be sure to watch for additions to this project and other upcoming DEI initiatives. Do you have any additional suggestions for upcoming interviews? We would love to hear from you.
UAB Libraries DEI Task Force Members:
- Michael S. Fitts, Chair (
- Peggy Balch (
- Sylvia McAphee (
- Errica Evans (
- Christie Halloran (
- Marliese Thomas (
- Sarah Afgan (