The Reynolds-Finley Historical Library is fortunate to have an extensive collection of primary and secondary resource material relating to Civil War medicine. To get a sense of the titles in the collection, please visit our online bibliography. Entries in the tables are sorted alphabetically by author or, where no author is given, by title. For additional information regarding holdings, search OneSearch, the UAB Libraries online catalog.
See our Major Figures in Civil War Medicine page for descriptions of some of the important works in this collection and biographies of their authors.
Visit our digital collection, titled Civil War Items from UAB Libraries, to see the scanned manuscript diaries of Confederate Surgeon B. W. Allen and Union Private James A. Morrison, plus other material of interest from the Diethelm Civil War Medicine Collection, as well as Civil War items from the UAB Archives, Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences, and the Sterne Rare Book Collection.
Image: Midnight on the Battle-field [picturing (Union) nurse Mary A. "Mother" Bickerdyke]. 1 Print: Steel engraving, 9.7x15.2 cm. Source: Livermore, Mary A. My Story of the War. Hartford, CT: A. D. Worthington and Co., 1888 [c1887].