
The UAB Libraries are excited to announce the expansion of our document delivery service to the entire UAB campus. The document delivery service allows UAB faculty, staff, and students to request a copy of any journal article or book chapter from the UAB Libraries’ print collections housed in Sterne Library, Lister Hill Library, or the 801 Building.
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Starting with the spring term on January 7, 2019, all patrons will be required to swipe their ONE Cards to enter Sterne Library all the hours that the library is open. This includes the INTO entrance on the second level up the ramp.
At Lister Hill Library, access between the ground floor and the Library space on the first and second floors has been eliminated. Access the ground floor at street level and use the front elevator or stairwell in the lobby to access the Library on the first floor or plaza level.
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Starting today, December 19, access between the ground floor of Lister Hill Library and the Library space on the first and second floors will be restricted as part of the ongoing effort to improve security. Access the ground floor at street level and use the front elevator or stairwell in the lobby to access the library on the first floor or plaza level.
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Many libraries suspend ILL Borrowing and Document Delivery services during the holidays, making it difficult for us to fill UAB patrons’ requests.
Sterne Library will suspend ILL services for borrowing and document delivery between Saturday, December 15, 2018 and Tuesday, January 1, 2019.
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See the full calendar of hours and closings for each library through July 2020:
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UAB is implementing a building safety plan that will promote greater control over access to campus facilities and employ additional technologies to enhance security for faculty, staff and students. As a result, UAB Libraries (Lister Hill Library and Mervyn H. Sterne Library) will both transition to card access for UAB faculty, staff, and students, including HSF employees.
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The 20th edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine has just been published by McGraw-Hill and is currently available through the UAB Libraries.
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- Category: Announcements
Read more: Display at LHL@UH Commemorates Tinsley Harrison's 20th Edition

Lister Hill Library
Lister Hill Library will be closed Saturday, May 26, through Monday, May 28, in observance of Memorial Day, and on Wednesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.
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UAB Libraries now has a courier service to transport books and other library materials between Lister Hill Library, Lister Hill Library at University Hospital, Sterne Library, and the remote storage facility in the 801 Building. UAB students, staff, and faculty can select an item from our OneSearch PRIMO online catalog and have it delivered to the library location most convenient to them. Materials may be returned to Sterne, Lister Hill, or Lister Hill at University Hospital. Courier deliveries are usually completed within 2 days, Monday through Friday. The libraries’ OneSearch system will email the user when an item is ready for pick up. Remember to log in at the top right of the screen in OneSearch to see the request options.
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In honor of National Library Week 2018, we will again observe Amnesty Days at UAB Libraries. Beginning Sunday, April 8th, and ending Saturday, April 14th, users can return overdue items and have their fines (up to $20 total) forgiven.
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We are excited to announce the new UAB Libraries Facebook page! As of March 31, 2018, we will be deactivating the old Lister Hill and Mervyn H. Sterne pages and only posting content to the new combined page. Please continue following UAB Libraries at, and spread the word!
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One of the greatest figures in modernist literature, Irish author James Joyce (1882-1941) used the avant-garde “stream of consciousness” method in such great literary works as Ulysses (1922), A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), and Finnegan’s Wake (1939). Less known is that from his mid-20s on, Joyce also suffered grievously from eye disease and other ailments, the cause of which may have been either syphilis or some form of inflammatory rheumatic arthritis. An ongoing debate continues as scholars investigate Joyce’s medical history and pick apart Ulysses for references to venereal disease.
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- Category: Announcements
Read more: The Medicine & Mores of James Joyce: On Display at Sterne Library

Beginning on November 1, 2017, Lister Hill Library will begin charging $1.00 per day, per item for overdue Interlibrary Loan materials.
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